Saturday, 24 September 2016

Gay Man caught in Jos, Nigeria while trying to have oral sex with an officer 👮

I'm so so angry 😡 with the Nigerian system right now.

So this poor boy has been booked and may be slammed 14 good years of jail term if found guilty after which him and many others may have been motivated by Bobrisky and the likes.

As I have gathered, Bobrisky and and a few others are untouchable simply because they are being slept with by people in the high places.

I remember Bobrisky too was once in this interrogation situation and I posted it here a few weeks ago.

Now this is my anger:

If some have the nerve to come out on social media and be posting all sort of silliness, start trending and remain untouchable, then the Nigerian government should declare the nation a place with freedom of sex choice and no one else should be sent to jail or interrogated for being gay.

The most reliable from of evidence is video footage and if some can come online and be posting videos themselves then why should these ones be prosecuted?

Phucking system.

They better start arresting everyone else, Bobrisky and everyone else or else they should release this idiot as well and let him start enjoying himself on social media.

Everyone is equal under the law of the land.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Forbidden Truth about The BLACK RACE, the Real Biblical Jews, a research backed by true evidence and remarkable archaeological facts and figures.

The argument about the true identity of of black men has always been pushed to the bottom for many years thereby reducing them to what it is today.

This has also psychologically affected the mindset of coloured people thereby making some of them say things like "does it really matter what colour or who Jesus was" but it's actually more than just Jesus. This is not just about Jesus but about why the truth was intentionally manipulated.

Yes it does matter because already the black people are victims of circumstance and if they let the truth slip through their fingers again without passing on the true history of themselves to their generation they will continue to remain blind like many of them already are and a lost mind is anybody's SLAVE. Today the black race is the slave to every other because they have been for generations milked of their worth and value.

The black people seen today as second class citizens of this world are in actual fact supposed to be the most respected because facts has it that they ruled the world, made the world and were invaded in many places over generations upon generations and scattered all over the place making them take a lot of journey through the Nile thereby settling all over Africa with no connection to their true civilisation and history. Remember in Yoruba language it was taught that the Yorubas are from the middle east meaning there are elements of truth in the findings.

This can be compared to a white human being disconnected from his or her civilisation and abandoned in the jungle, what you get is Tarzan, a man who lives in the jungle just same way like the already lost race discovered by greedy invaders taken as slaves after their religion has already been stolen from them and rebranded with every facts that could help them rediscover themselves being removed from the present day scriptures.

But guess what, the Bible still has the facts and records hidden inside it and it is too late to try and erase it. You only have to be conscious enough to know.


You are God's own special creation and are still till today.

Below are carefully put together videos from researchers that may help open your inner eyes starting with "Video 4" and release you from the mind blinding programmed by the system to manipulate you:









Thursday, 15 September 2016

The Story of Jibike Part 1 to 3.

This is the story of Jibike from the three different audios produced by her best friend because she felt stabbed aback.

Listen to the audios via the videos below from Part 1 to 3.

Part 1

Part 2.

Part 3.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

The Rate At Which These Fake Pastors Have Brainwashed The People Of Africa...

Imagine these idiots using arranged stories as confession all in the name of crowd and congregation management, anything to draw crowd of gullible people to bring their money as offering to church, meanwhile the church of today has been handed to the evil ones portraying themselves as men of God.

Friday, 2 September 2016

7 Reasons You Should Date A Single Mum

If you’ve won the love of a single mom, you’ve hit the relationship jackpot. Few love as selflessly and fiercely as a woman who’s raised her kiddos on her own (or mostly on her own). Need more convincing? We recently asked a handful of divorced moms to give their best elevator pitch for dating single mamas. Read some of our favorite reasons below. 1. She can roll with the punches. Any single mom you date likely has a lot on her plate — and much of it comes her way unexpectedly. (The kids get the flu right before a work trip? Par for the course.) What that means for you is that she’ll understand if you’re running late for a dinner date because of a deadline at work. As single mom Kasey Ferris explains, she’s probably dealt with far worse. “Have you ever taken a kiddo to the mall and had them spill an entire Slurpee all over themselves then pitch a major earth-shattering meltdown with four people ahead of you in line at the register? We have,” she jokes. “We take it in stride -– what’s the other option? Some things are just out of your control. Failed dinner plans are nothing to us.” 2. She’s well rounded. If you want a woman who gets things done, look no further than a single mom, says writer Jennifer Ball. “We do everything, and I mean everything,” she says. “We bring home the bacon, we fry it up in the pan, we clean the pan...hell, we bought the pan. We parent with enthusiasm, we work hard at whatever our jobs are, we are tender caretakers and tough decision makers.” Sound like the kind of badass, complex woman you want to ride alongside for life? We thought so. 3. She’s independent. While other people you date might get clingy and annoyed by your few-and-far-between texts, a single mom ain’t got time for that. She’s got a world of her own and kiddos to worry about. If you say you need some space or time to yourself, she’ll respect it. “We’re used to being on our own and aren’t afraid of it,” says single mom Dina Strada. “When you’re balancing work, kids and a social life, you value your alone time as a single mom and are pretty damn independent because you have to be. You can rest assured I’m going to continue to have my own life and will be perfectly OK with you having yours.” 4. She loves like no other. Any single parent will tell you: Raising a kid on your own is the ultimate primer on how to love unconditionally. If you are all your kid has in the world, you learn to love that much harder. That kind of selfless, unconditional love has also made her a better partner. “We offer a bigger well of caring and love than you can fathom,” says Ferris. “Our patience, love, and capability for nurturing has so more depth because of our kids. If you’re good to us, you’ll have a more faithful, supportive and loving life partner than you’ve ever had.” 5. Single moms are sexy. She may lean heavily on the no-nonsense mom uniform when she’s with the kids — jeans, t-shirts, a ponytail, yoga pants, or any combination thereof — but if you ask her out on a date, she’ll likely relish the chance to get all dolled up. “From firsthand experience, I can tell you that we can’t wait to dress up and feel sexy,” said Strada. “Since we have little ones hanging on us all the time and have to constantly be in responsible mommy mode, dates are an opportunity to let our hair down and let loose.” 6. She knows what she wants. A single mom with a divorce behind her has probably done some soul searching to figure out went wrong in her marriage— including the part she played in its breakdown. She’s been burned before but she’s come out with a stronger sense of what she really needs in a relationship and partner. “You start to realize what you need to truly be happy,” says Strada. “If we are spending time with you and opening ourselves up to getting hurt again, we see something special in you that makes taking that risk worth it. That should give you a lot of confidence that you have something special to offer or we wouldn’t be wasting our time!” 7. She’s playing for keeps. Single moms are particular about who they let into their life for good reason. They’ve got kids to worry about so they’re not just going to let any Tom, Dick or Harry from Tinder walk through the door. If she’s chosen you, you must be pretty special, says Ball. “Know that once you’re in, you’ve reached a level of acceptance not very many people, especially men, achieve,” she says. “The way we love is the way we have learned to live our lives as single moms: fiercely, sweetly and smartly. Now, if you’re a funny fabulous single dad and you don’t mind teenagers and dog hair, contact me.”